Hungry Pitbull

The Most Misunderstood Dog Breed Ever…

Are Pitbulls Dangerous? The Final Verdict

So, in this blog post, I am going to let you know whether or not pit bulls are dangerous. We are perpetually hammered with so much media coverage that wants to program us into thinking a certain way. Now, this programming by the people who are running this world may be true or may be not, but nonetheless, they want you to think a certain way and not deviate from that. And when you deviate from the mainstream, you will face repercussions that may harm you. So why am I saying this? That’s because the mainstream does not want you to think that pit bulls are one of the most friendliest and intelligent breeds out there. But this blog is not about mind control. Rather, this blog post is about whether or not pit bulls are dangerous. Therefore, I’m going to stick with that issue and discuss this topic further.

How I met My Pitbull

The first time I met my pit bull was about 5 years ago. I did not get my pit bull from a breeder. I did not purchase it from a private sale. But I got my Pit bull from the Animal Control Center located in Los Angeles, and to be more precise, in Downey, California. I first researched many pit bulls, and I remember visiting two other locations, which were not too close from where I was. It was about an hour or an hour and a half drive. But I made the drive to go meet these pit bulls, which didn’t end up adopting. Seeing the first two or meeting the first two made me realize that I needed to adopt a pit bull that is young and trainable and was not influenced by owners who taught the dog to be violent or rather wasn’t able to repress or, should I say, suppress some tendencies that these pit bulls might have.

Learning Pit Bull Personality for the First Time

When I talk about tendencies, I don’t necessarily mean aggressive. I don’t mean bad. What I’m trying to say is that when these dogs are young, they need to know what things are allowed and what things are not allowed. But because these dogs end up becoming 70 lbs. to sometimes 150 lbs., it’s not about whether or not these dogs are dangerous, but it’s more about these dogs not being able to get along with others who often times much more smaller in stature, which often times lead to misunderstanding. When I say pit bulls’ tendencies again, I don’t mean this in a negative way. What I actually mean is that these dogs have personality traits that are very unique. If not controlled and trained, they could become…I don’t want to say violent, but overtly playful.

Pit Bulls Need To Vent Just Like Humans

When pit bulls are playful from the perspective of other animals or other owners, it may look as if they’re aggressive because these dogs are so much stronger. But at the same time, pit bulls are the most intelligent dogs you’ll ever come across in your whole entire lifetime. So it is vital that you understand the personality traits, how they like to jump around and become frusted unless they get enough stimulus, unless they get enough exercise every day. And unless you make a way for them to vent, this, which I don’t want to necessarily equate with aggression, but they’ll be very frustrated. Just like humans, when humans are frustrated, some of us in rare cases release anger in violent ways. But for these dogs, if you teach them to be aggressive, they’ll learn to be aggressive. If you teach them to vent their frustrations by chewing on something, they will chew on anything. And most importantly, if the owner who’s not responsible teaches these dogs to be violent and aggressive, they’ll learn exactly that.

How Social Programming Impacts People’s Perceptions of Pit Bulls

Going back to the mainstream media and how we’re programmed to think a certain way, I would say 10 times out of 10, when you see media portrayal of pit bulls as being aggressive or breed that is dangerous, it is a flat out lie. The media doesn’t show who the owner was. It doesn’t show what the owner did in pit bulls’ first 3-4 years of upbringing and how it was trained. Because these are like little babies, who learns by seeing what you do, by seeing how you coach them, by seeing what you say to them, they copy exactly what you do, sometimes right down to copying your personality. What they don’t tell you about those dogs you see on TV which are very bad and dangerous is that they were raised to be like that. They were raised to be aggressive by their owners and become a nuisance to others.

Why Raising Pit Bulls Requires More Patience Than Other Breeds

Going back to my own personal experience, I had many experiences with different breeds, different dogs. This was not my first breed. I had smaller breeds to big breeds, to be specific, Poodles, Maltese and even Korean Tosas when I was young. So I knew what I was getting into when I took in this dog. At first, it was frustrating because she loved to bite things. Not people but anything that she saw. I had a $600 Louis Vuitton wallet that she chewed out, basically obliterated it. I had a pair of glasses that I left on the desk, which she picked it up and she destroyed it. She was like a little baby who needed guidance on what is allowed and what wasn’t allowed. And the guidance had to be in a loving light, full of compassion instead of reprimanding them or punishing them. She needed a dog owner who is smart enough to recognize that communication with animals is not always easy but had to always be made in a positive light.

So it’s been about 5 years since I adopted my pit bull. I adopted her when she was 4 months old. She was a stray dog, and again, I got her from an animal control center. And she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me though it wasn’t easy raising a pit bull. So are pit bulls dangerous? The answer to that depends on the owner. A dog being aggressive is not the fault of the dog. A dog is aggressive because of its owner not being responsible, not knowing what to do when these dogs were raised as puppies.

The Verdict

So finally, are pit bulls dangerous? Absolutely not. But can they be dangerous under a caretaker who raises it to be dangerous? I would have to say yes. So it all depends on the owner. Owner can turn these dogs to be aggressive and fight anything that it sees. On the other side of the token, if you give it love, compassion, understanding, and raise it with lots of patience, these dogs are angels in the form of dogs. And hands down, these are the best breeds that I have ever raised in my lifetime.

So with that, I’m going to end this blog and hopefully, I can talk about more things based on my experiences that will help new pit bull owners or those who are thinking about adopting pit bulls. So this blog can be valuable information for them and that they can make good decisions even after their decision to adopt them to raise them well so that collectively we can all program or should I say reprogram people’s minds to not believe the skewed medial media lies of pit bull breeds as aggressive, dangerous, and fighting dogs.

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